Friday, December 28, 2012

"It's like there's rock bottom, 50 feet of crap, then me" -- Rachel Green on Friends


You've probably inferred from the title and tagline, that I'm most likely an irresponsible young woman who has landed herself in a predicament. If that's true, well done! You're right. Here's some more information, though, just in case you wanted more of a story:

I'm in my early twenties, and I've just been kicked out of my University (the predicament). I've had three different majors and I've failed 10 different classes (mostly because I never attended class) in 4 and a half years in college. I also have roughly $10,000 of credit card debt, not to mention about $35,000 worth of student loans, but no job. Actually, there's a little more irony to this situation: I was offered a ~70K job when I finished my internship last summer at a Financial Institution (which will remain nameless), but now, I will most likely lose it because I'll be academically dismissed in a week. It's so nice of the administration to wait until after the holidays to academically dismiss students.

Now that you know the story -- the cliff-notes version, at least -- you've probably concluded that I'm an irresponsible loser. It's okay, if I were you I probably would think so, too. Actually, I'm beginning to feel that way about myself these days, which is strange. You see, growing up, I sailed through school. I was a decent student, did well on standardized tests, read literature in my spare time, and got along with my friends and family. Throughout the first 18 years of my life, I never thought I could fail. But then one day, I did (Art History during freshman year). I didn't think it was a very big deal back then. It was one class, and there was no point crying over spilled milk, right? So I put it out of my mind and tried to move forward. But I failed more classes, and relationships, and meeting deadlines, until one day when I realized that my life these past 4-5 years has been a series of failures with random successes, which were few and far between. I hate that.

I'm ashamed that I've fallen so far. I'm angry at myself for letting this happen. I'm scared for my future. And I'm wishing so much that life had a re-do button. But it doesn't.

However, that doesn't mean that I can't fix my life. Right now, there are many negative adjectives you can attach my name to, but unmotivated isn't one of them. I'm going to fix my life this year. That's why I'm making this diary blog, as a record of my promise to myself, and my journey. I'm making it a public diary for you, reader. Knowing that you're there reading this, judging me, and bearing witness to my words will help hold me accountable to everything I say and do. At least, that's how I'm hoping it works out. 

So, here's my promise to you: I promise that everything I write on this blog (except for names) will be the truth. 

And I promise myself that on December 31st, 2013, I will have cut my credit card debt by half, and I will be moved out of my parent's house, and at least have a plan to finish my bachelors degree set in motion.

Wish me luck!

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