Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just Do It. Day One of Magic.

So, you all have probably figured out by now that I am terrible at doing what I say I'm going to do. I don't even know how long it's been since my last post. It's so easy for me to make plans to change my life, but that's the easy part. My biggest problem seems to be following through with the plans I make. Recently, I've started saying "just do it" to myself when I start getting lazy. When I'm in the middle of cleaning my room, and I glance at my open laptop, I'll start to convince myself that it's in my best interest to take a facebook break. But I stop myself, look at my messy room and say "just do it!" It works 80% of the time.

Anyway, the very first step of MAGIC is to make a list of 10 things that you are grateful for in your life, and say "Thank you" (to god, a higher power, the force of the universe, or whatever you believe in) three times for each of those. You are supposed to do this everyday for 28 days. So, if I start today, I will be finished on March 20th.

Here goes.

I am so very thankful for the following things in my life:
1. My family. They are my biggest source of support, and I am so thankful that they are healthy, happy and safe. I thank God for them every day.
2. My best friend, Jenny. We have been friends for so long that I barely remember what life was like before her. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive, caring, thoughtful best friend. Our friendship has survived so many tests, that it is one of the few constant things in my life. I am so thankful for it.
3. My Mom. I know I already said family, but I am SO thankful for my mom, I feel that she needs a category for herself. My Dad isn't the most reliable person, and he really isn't a part of most of my life. But I barely felt the lack of a father figure because my Mom has worked so hard to be both parents for me. She would read over my homework, go to every parent teacher meeting, attend all my orchestra concerts, throw my birthday parties, teach me to drive, counsel me when I needed advice, and work full time. On top of that, she would always encourage me to chase after my dreams -- of course that was after making sure I would have a degree to fall back on. I thank God for her everyday.
4. Facebook. I am so thankful to live in an era where I can communicate with almost anyone with the push of a few buttons. The fact that the world is becoming so much more connected is really a marvel -- and a convenience.
5. Smartphones. Again, I am so thankful to live in an era where I don't have to worry about getting lost or being stranded. Of course it may still happen, but the chances are less likely. With GPS navigation and ability to make emergency calls, I like feeling a little safer.
6. The internet. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have been born in the information age, when I have access to answers to almost any question I can come up with. And what's more amazing, I can get those answers in an instance!
7. The U.S.A. I'm glad I live in such a diverse country. I'm not saying that racism, sexism, homophobia, and such don't exist here, but there I've seen more tolerance here than any other place I've traveled. I've seen so much racism and sexism in parts of India, Korea, Jordan, and even Germany, that I've forgotten  I've had such a rare opportunity by growing up in a very diverse society. The novelty of seeing people with different skin and hair and eyes and features than me have worn off. I don't think twice when I see an interracial couple. And I see nothing wrong with a woman learning to shoot a gun, or holding hands in public with a man she's not married to. The small freedoms we take for granted don't exist all over the world. I was once chastised for speaking too loudly when I was in India. Thank God I was born in America!
8. Contact Lenses! Thank God that people with less than perfect eye-sight don't have to be "four-eyes" for the rest of their lives. I am so thankful for contact lenses!
9. E-readers. Advances in technology seems to be a theme for me today. But I am so thankful for my nook, it was the most well spent $69.00 of my life. I have an entire library at my fingertips in less than 6X4 inches of space. The best part: the e-ink display doesn't strain my eyes when I read. Best. Invention. Ever.
10. Herbal Tea. I've recently been introduced to Chamomile Tea, which cures my tension head-aches like no other. I've lived my whole life with headaches when I get especially stressed, and I am so thankful for this cure. I'm so thankful for herbs in general, really.

Well there you go, 10 things I'm grateful for today. That was a little harder than I thought. It's difficult not to go on tangents when you are thinking of these things. But I feel good. Thinking of these things helps me remember why the world is a great place. Sure there are lots of terrible things and people in it, but there are good people and good ideas and good aspects to it, also.

It's late, and I need to sleep. Until tomorrow  --


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